Monday, March 23, 2009

Weird News - Michigan man claims firing from job over waistline

The Associated Press

A 61-year-old Michigan man has sued his former employer, claiming he was fired from a $75,000-a-year salesman's job because of his waistline.

But the employer says Patrick J. Ronayne was let go because of his performance, not his weight.

The Detroit News reports Thursday that Ronayne's lawsuit seeks more than $25,000 from Winston Golf and Winston Manufacturing. It claims weight and age discrimination.

The lawsuit claims the Bloomfield Hills man was let go with a statement "he was not a `flat belly'" and was replaced by a thinner person. Ronayne is listed in state records as 5-foot-11 and 225 pounds.

The businesses are part of Auburn Hills-based 3Sixty Group LLC. Spokesman Garrett Morelock calls the claim "absurd." He says Ronayne wasn't a good salesman.